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A look back at 10 years of French Tech
What is French Tech’s 10th anniversary Week?
French Tech’s 10 Year Anniversary Week, which runs from 16 to 22 October 2023, is an opportunity to take stock of the first 10 years of its existence, and above all, to look ahead to the ambitions we have set ourselves for the coming years.
The evidence is clear: French Tech is a dynamic and attractive ecosystem that has gone from strength to strength.
It’s also an opportunity to broaden our common horizons, and think together about what the next 10 years will bring, so that tech is accessible and open to everyone.
It’s a key moment to debate the essential issues and actions undertaken to support project leaders and innovation players, as well as the key issues of tomorrow in terms of ecological transition, digital sovereignty, disruptive technologies and re-industrialisation.
Discover the report by Brut.
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César Culture G and Viviane Scilabus tell you what French Tech is and the objectives of the French Tech’s 10th anniversary Week.
Find out all about the events labelled French Tech’s 10th anniversary Week

The French Tech ecosystem has come together to organise over 100 events around the world to celebrate 10 years of French Tech. Find out near you how the 10 years of French Tech are being celebrated and join us!
Discover the eventsThe aims of the Week
Celebrating the successes of the French Tech ecosystem over the last 10 years
This is an opportunity to look back at the actions taken over the last 10 years, with the creation of the French Tech Mission and the specific measures designed to support entrepreneurs. It’s an opportunity to look back at the successes of many French start-ups, which have created a positive dynamic in terms of innovation, business creation and jobs in local areas, throughout France and internationally.
Setting the course for France and tech over the next 10 years
It is essential to highlight the progress made by entrepreneurs by reminding people that the French Tech dynamic is first and foremost that of the men and women who bring it to life within start-ups, and whose commitment to priority issues will shape the French Tech of tomorrow and play a key role in social and environmental issues.
Introducing French Tech to new audiences, especially young people
The aim is to raise awareness among the younger generation of the issues and professions involved in tech, and to help them discover the career opportunities available to them, within companies that are particularly meaningful and innovative in terms of science, technology, the environment and society.
Opening up the tech ecosystem to everyone and showcasing the diversity of its professions
This initiative serves as a reminder of the diversity of these professions, beyond the digital sector, industry, mobility or space, for example, in order to stimulate the desire to build and be part of the French Tech of tomorrow.
Discover careers in tech
Join a start-up in our ecosystem
French Tech is made up of nearly 25,000 start-ups of all sizes, representing more than 1.1 million direct and indirect jobs, and creating as many more in the years to come. The movement is waiting for you!
Looking back over the last 10 years of French Tech
The video is a motion design* graphic animation made up of a succession of animated shapes, photos from an image bank and logos of the French Tech Mission programmes and initiatives, retracing 20 key events spread over 9 major years in the history of the French Tech Mission. These events are narrated by a male voice-over.
2023, 10 years of French Tech
Voice-over – 10 years ago, Fleur Pellerin, Minister for the Digital Economy, launched the French Tech Mission.
Start-ups**, investors and decision-makers joined forces to promote and accelerate innovation.
The Mission didn’t wait to make its mark on the other side of the Atlantic. It took part in the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, then inaugurated the first French Tech Hub in San Francisco. The same year, the first 9 French Tech Metropolises were accredited.
The Grande École du Numérique opens its doors to train new talent.
The expansion continues. In October 2016, the French Tech network already has 22 structured communities around the world that bring together entrepreneurs who deploy the vision of the French Tech public action.
The following year, Station F sees the light of day in France. The world’s largest start-up campus was established in the heart of Paris and hosted the first French Tech Central. A local support centre dedicated to start-ups to give them easier access to public services. As for foreign talent… to attract them, the French Tech Visa, which simplifies access to work and residence permits, is now open to all start-ups.
New initiatives are flourishing. The first French Tech Next40/120 programme supports 120 promising French start-ups and scale-ups, and the network of French Tech correspondents within our partner administrations is officially launched. This was followed by the French Tech Tremplin, which supports thousands of budding entrepreneurs from backgrounds that are under-represented in the French start-up ecosystem. Then there is the French Tech Community Fund, dedicated to financing impact projects. 2019 will also see the launch of the Tibi initiative, or how to mobilise the savings of institutional investors to finance technology companies.
Then the kick-off of Scale up Europe under the French Presidency of the European Union enables the emergence of European technology champions.
But in order to transform sectors of excellence on a long-term basis through technological innovation, a new year had to begin, and with it an unprecedented investment plan: France 2030. In the meantime, 25 unicorns*** have emerged on the French scene, including Exotech, the 1st industrial unicorn. Equality between men and women in the digital sector is progressing. 200 signatories commit to the Parity Pact.
The 125 winners of the first promotion of the French Tech 2030 programme were announced, phase 2 of the Tibi initiative was launched and the Minister Delegate for the Digital Sector, Jean-Noël Barrot, presented “Je choisis la French Tech” (I choose French Tech). The aim of this plan is to double the use of French start-up solutions by public and private sector players by 2027. Today, we are present in 16 capital cities, 32 communities in France and 67 communities in 52 countries. We are determined to continue shaping our future by innovating and developing over the next 10 years.
[Overall vision of the next 10 years in the form of a pyramid].
We’re proud to look back, but we’re determined to look forward.
[French Republic – Liberty Equality Fraternity]
[La French Tech]
* Motion design: motion design is the art of bringing graphic elements (photos, typography, shapes, etc.) to life through movement.
** Start-up: a start-up is a young company in its early stages of development. It generally seeks funding to develop its product or service.
*** Unicorn: the term “unicorn” refers to a start-up that has achieved a valuation of at least one billion dollars.
One of the highest levels of government commitment in the world
10 years ago, in 2013, a brand was created around a number of institutional players with a specific aim: to support and promote the French start-up ecosystem.
The missions and prerogatives of these bodies have expanded as the ecosystem has grown. The French Tech Mission covered the whole of France, then extended its activities internationally. It has rolled out a number of support programmes (French Tech Next40/120, French Tech 2030 and French Tech Tremplin) aimed at everyone, and has set up initiatives to attract the best foreign talent, finance events organised by our network and promote gender equality.
This support is truly a 360° action that has been carried out over the last 10 years. French Tech can be proud of the government’s commitment to the ecosystem, with ever greater resources and targeted measures.
A joint effort by the men and women who make the French tech ecosystem work
French Tech is also, and above all, the commitment and dynamism of the men and women who bring it to life, and we can be proud of the progress this ecosystem has made.

Today, French Tech represents a structured, identified and well-known ecosystem, thanks to its steadily growing results and the solidity of the players driving it forward. It’s the result of individual commitment and collective synergy, and today it’s an ecosystem that has the keys to making its mark on the international stage.
French Tech lives and breathes through the individuals who drive the ambition of an innovative, high-performance France. Several thousand people and organisations have been working together for 10 years now to create an innovative entrepreneurial fabric, including :
Entrepreneurs, ever more numerous and ever more committed
Support structures, both public and private, incubators, accreditation bodies, campuses, etc., which are becoming a permanent feature of our landscape
Investors, who are contributing to the positive momentum of fund-raising, investment and financing, which has reached record levels
The network of French Tech Capitals and Communities, a key player and symbol of the success of French Tech, its establishment in all regions and even its export to 52 countries
The associations that bring together, federate, structure and identify the players, sectors and start-ups involved
The history of the French Tech Mission
The French Tech Mission has 3 missions that guide all its actions: between speaking out, personalised support and dynamism throughout the world, the aim of this public administration has always been to promote the development of the French tech ecosystem as effectively as possible.
January 2013
Creation of the French Tech Mission
By Fleur Pellerin, Minister attached to the Minister for Innovation and the Digital Economy.
The creation of this new body will help to build a major collective movement to promote the growth and international influence of French digital start-ups.
January 2014
Labelling of French Tech Metropolises
The first 9 French Tech Metropolises have been awarded the label. This deployment marks the beginning of the decentralisation of Mission French Tech across France.
January 2015
Budget Allocation dedicated to the development of French Tech
By Axelle Lemaire, Secretary of State for the Digital Economy and Innovation.
The aim is to develop the international appeal of French Tech by allocating a budget of €15 million (creation of international hubs, presence at events).
October 2016
Certification of the first French Tech Communities abroad
22 organisations have been awarded the French Tech Communities abroad. This is a new stage in the deployment of the French Tech Mission’s actions around the world.
January 2017
Creation of French Tech Central
By Cédric O, Secretary of State for the Digital Economy.
The aim of the programme is to make it easier for all start-ups to access the main public services in their area that are useful to their day-to-day lives and growth, with a view to identifying their specific needs and ensuring a coordinated response between public administrations.
April 2019
French Tech Capitals and Communities first label
For this first 3-year label, the French Tech network is made up of 13 Capitales and 43 French Tech Communities.
July 2019
Creation of the French Tech Tremplin programme
By Cédric O, Secretary of State for the Digital Economy.
This programme promotes equal opportunities and helps entrepreneurs from backgrounds that are under-represented in the French tech ecosystem to develop their business projects.
September 2019
Creation of French Tech Next40/120 programme
By Cédric O, Secretary of State for the Digital Economy.
The aim is to support and promote 120 young French companies considered to be promising and likely to become technological leaders.
July 2021
Creation of French Tech Rise programme
By Cédric O, Secretary of State for the Digital Economy.
An initiative, in the form of an annual event, to support the financing of start-ups on a regional scale.
March 2022
Launch of the Pacte Parité by the French Tech Mission, co-created with signatory start-ups
The French Tech Mission, in co-creation with the signatories, has detailed the Parity Pact, the aim of which is to commit start-ups to making parity a corporate norm.
February 2023
Strengthening the network of French Tech Capitals and Communities
Announcement of the network’s second promotion, with a strengthening of its structure and financing. The network now comprises 16 Capitales, 34 Communities in France and 67 Communities abroad. The aim of this promotion is to consolidate the tech ecosystem at local level.
June 2023
Creation of French Tech 2030 programme
Announcement of the 125 laureates of the first promotion of the French Tech 2030 programme, a support programme that combines the ambition of the France 2030 plan, steered by the General Secretariat for Investment, with the support of the French Tech Mission and the expertise of Bpifrance.
June 2023
Launch of the “Je choisis La French Tech” initiative
By Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate for the Digital Economy
The “Je choisis la French Tech” (I choose French Tech) initiative aims to increase the use of French start-up solutions by public administrations and the business community. In concrete terms, the aim is to double the use of French start-up solutions by public and private sector players by 2027.
Find out more about the French Tech Mission
The French Tech Mission is an administrative unit of the Directorate General for Enterprise within the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty. Its mission is to support the development of the French Tech ecosystem, the French movement of innovative technology start-ups, in line with government priorities and in the image and service of the French people.