French Tech, the French start-up ecosystem

The French Tech Mission is responsible for supporting the structuring and growth of the French start-up ecosystem, in France and all around the world.

Discover those who are developing French tech through personalised support programmes, a French Tech network deployed throughout the world and a host of events that connect us all!


Our support programs

The French Tech Mission deploys programs intended to support French start-ups to create the solutions of tomorrow.

Découvrir nos programmes

French Tech Next40/120, French Tech Tremplin, French Tech Central
ainsi que d’autres programmes de l’État et de nos partenaires

The network of French Tech Capitals and Communities

The French Tech Mission supports and runs a network of 115 French Tech-certified structures, in France and internationally.

Découvrir notre réseau
  • 17 Capitals

    The French Tech Capitals are the national relays of the French Tech Mission. They bring together the players in their respective French Tech ecosystems and roll out the national programmes locally.

    Découvrir les Capitales
  • 31 Communities in France

    The French Tech Communities in France are groups of volunteer entrepreneurs who, in addition to the actions carried out by the French Tech Capitals, lead the ecosystem of innovation players in their territory and intensify their collaboration.

    Découvrir les Communautés en France
  • 66 Communities abroad

    The French Tech Communities abroad are groups of French entrepreneurs or Francophile volunteers who represent the French Tech Mission internationally. Their actions promote the French tech ecosystem alongside players in the French institutional network in each country.

    Découvrir les Communautés à l’international

The French Tech Mission, a public administration

La Mission French Tech est rattachée à la Direction Générale des Entreprises, au sein du ministère de l’Économie et des Finances. Elle travaille et coopère au quotidien avec plus de 60 organismes publics.

Alongside a network of public organizations