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Leading the network of French Tech Capitals and Communities
An initiative formalised by the State and operated by the French Tech Mission and its network
Launched in 2016, intensified and formalised in 2019, the French Tech Capitals and Communities network was born of collective energy, catalysed and formalised by the State through the action of the French Tech Mission.
The aim is to decentralise actions to enable entrepreneurs and the private and public players who support them to strengthen the French tech ecosystem throughout France and the world.
The objectives of the French Tech network
The French Tech Capitals and Communities, mainly private associations, are accredited every 3 years by the French Tech Mission, to act as the primary representatives of French Tech for start-ups in all regions.
This unique network brings together 1,400 volunteers and 6,000 start-ups who bring French Tech to life in France and throughout the world, and represents an unprecedented collaboration between civil society and the State.Structuring and critical to the actions of the French Tech Mission, this network is fully integrated into its strategic priorities, and implements them by working :
Bringing together local innovation players: start-ups, support structures, public services, funders, major groups, research centres, etc.
The deployment of initiatives to support the development of start-ups, in line with the challenges of the Mission French Tech, and in line with the local priorities of the French Tech ecosystem and/or to contribute to its international influence.
To this end, the French Tech Mission supports events and projects promoting the French tech ecosystem through the Community Fund, its programme dedicated to financing calls for projects from the French Tech network.
including 16 French Tech Capitals, 32 Communities in France and 66 Communities abroad
70% of whom are entrepreneurs and 1/3 of whom are women
represented by the network in 5 continents
as members of the French Tech Capitals and Communities and participants in various events
of the French Tech network will receive €1.5 million from the Community Fund in 2023-2024.
Animate the French Tech Capitals
The French Tech Capitals are the national relays of the French Tech Mission.
In line with the French Tech Mission’s priorities, they carry out structuring actions, working to develop the French technological and digital ecosystem, to integrate talent and to ensure that all start-ups take ecological issues into account.
The aim of this network of French Tech Capitals is to :
Develop world-class technology companies;
Develop an ecosystem that provides technological solutions to the major challenges facing society and our digital and technological sovereignty, with a stronger presence for disruptive innovation and industrial start-ups;
To open up the ecosystem to all talents and all regions, in priority urban neighbourhoods, in rural areas, in France and in the French overseas regions and territories;
Support the growth of the French GreenTech ecosystem and ensure that all start-ups take account of ecological issues, by placing the environmental challenge at the heart of our country’s entrepreneurial dynamic.
To realise these 4 ambitions, the French Tech Capitals are rolling out the 3 French Tech Mission programmes dedicated to the regions.
French Tech Central
The French Tech Central programme, launched in 2017, aims to make it easier for all start-ups to access the main public services in their territory that are u…

French Tech Tremplin
Launched in 2019, French Tech Tremplin is the programme that promotes equal opportunities and supports entrepreneurs from backgrounds that are under-represent…

French Tech Central
The French Tech Central programme, launched in 2017, aims to make it easier for all start-ups to access the main public services in their territory that are u…

Call for Projects: Financing 2024 for French Tech Capitals
The aim of this Call for Projects is to support the implementation of actions designed and carried out by the Capitales French Tech in line with the strategic guidelines of the Mission French Tech.
Dates: from 13/11 to 15/12 at 23:59.
Eligible candidates: only French Tech Capitals that have been awarded the label by the French government between 1 January 2024 and 31 December 2024 are eligible.
Participate in the Call for ProjectsThe French Tech Communities network
Animate French Tech Communities in France
The French Tech Communities in France are groups of volunteer entrepreneurs, accredited by the French government, who rely on the collective commitment of their members.
Their role is to lead the local entrepreneurial community alongside their French Tech Capital of choice, to intensify collaboration between start-ups, private catalysts and public players, and to ensure the visibility of this ecosystem throughout France.
Animate French Tech Communities abroad
The French Tech Communities abroad are groups of French or Francophile entrepreneurs who are volunteers and locally based. As full members of the French Tech network, they help to promote the ecosystem throughout the world.
Their role is to support the French Tech Mission’s international initiatives by leading and taking part in the life of the local entrepreneurial community, supporting the development of French start-ups in their ecosystems and carrying out structuring initiatives in line with the French Tech Mission’s priorities.
Made up of founders, investors and employees of start-ups and tech companies, the International Communities carry out their activities in conjunction with all the players in the French network (embassies and consulates, Business France, etc.). Their aim is to encourage exchanges and meetings in their local ecosystem, by building bridges with the French ecosystem.
Each year, in partnership with Business France, Mission French Tech designs and implements specific initiatives at international tech fairs.
The local French Tech network
Find the directory of all French Tech Capitals and Communities.