French Tech Tremplin
Launched in 2019, French Tech Tremplin is the programme that promotes equal opportunities and supports entrepreneurs from backgrounds that are under-represented in the French tech ecosystem to develop their entrepreneurial project.
Programme description
Programme objective
The programme aims to promote diversity and rebalance opportunities to ensure that all talented people have access to the same benefits as entrepreneurs from more privileged backgrounds. The projects selected will be supported and, in the Incubation phase, financed within the limits of available budgets.
Ce programme a remporté le Prix européen de la Promotion de l’Esprit d’Entreprise dans la catégorie « Entrepreneuriat responsable et inclusif ».
Service offer
The French Tech Tremplin is made up of two types of support depending on the level of maturity of the entrepreneurial project and the needs of the entrepreneurs: a preparatory phase and an incubation phase.
French Tech Springboard preparatory phase
The Prépa phase is designed for entrepreneurs (individuals), with the aim of helping them to launch their business and test their entrepreneurial skills. Support is provided by the network of French Tech Capitals and Communities in France and overseas.
Participants in the Preparatory Phase have access to a support programme and a range of tools to help their project emerge.
Incubation phase of French Tech Tremplin
The Incubation phase lasts for one year and is aimed at start-ups (legal entities) less than 3 years old, wishing to accelerate their development. This phase
Support within one of our partner incubators
Support at a partner incubator is punctuated by meetings and events organised by their Capital or French Tech Community to connect the winners with the local entrepreneurial fabric.
Financial support and guidance
Winners have access to financial support of up to €22,900 to develop their start-up.
Programme key data
supported by the programme since its inception
since the programme was created
Programme history
January 2019
Launch of the French Tech Tremplin programme
The aim of this programme is to help entrepreneurs who are under-represented in the ecosystem to create and launch their start-ups. Since 2019, more than 1,000 entrepreneurs have been supported in the creation and development of their business.
November 2022
European Enterprise Awards
The French Tech Tremplin programme has won the European Prize for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship in the “Responsible and Inclusive Entrepreneurship” category. The award recognises initiatives that promote entrepreneurship and small businesses at national, regional and local level across Europe. It was organised as part of the SME Assembly 2022, which took place over 3 days in Prague with the European Commission and the Council of Europe.
December 2023
French Tech Tremplin joins the “Entrepreneuriat Quartiers 2030” plan
It is operated by Bpifrance and financed by the French government and Caisse des Dépôts via Banque des Territoires. It is part of the Quartiers 2030 plan, which aims to improve the living conditions of people living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.
December 2023
Announcement of Incubation phase winners
The 224 winners of the Incubation phase were announced by Jean-Noël BARROT, Minister Delegate for the Digital Sector, alongside Clara CHAPPAZ, Director of Mission French Tech. This was an opportunity to take stock of the programme, and to announce Blaise MATUIDI, world football champion, as the first French Tech Tremplin ambassador.
From 1 April 2024 to 31 May 2024
Prépa phase of the new promotion
The 275 winners of the Prépa phase have completed their support programme with the French Tech Capitals and Communities that run it.
Thursday 3 October 2024
Announcement of the 4th French Tech Tremplin Incubation phase promotion winners
The 218 winning entrepreneurs of the 4th promotion of French Tech Tremplin ‘Incubation’ were announced by the Secretary of State for Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Economy, Clara CHAPPAZ, alongside Julie HUGUET, Director of Mission French Tech. Paul Lê, co-founder of ‘La belle vie’, was also unveiled as the programme’s new ambassador.
Selection criteria
Applicants must meet at least one of the social diversity criteria defined below and provide proof of this.

Economic criteria:
Be in receipt of minimum social benefits (RSA, AAH, etc.)
Be a student with a grant or a former student with a grant (less than one year since the end of the grant) at levels 5 to 7
Be a ward of the State
Residency criteria:
Reside in a priority urban district
Reside in a rural regeneration zone
Criteria only valid for residents of the French Overseas Departments and Territories: living in an active watch district
Personal background:
Have refugee status recognised by OFPRA

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