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Becoming a French Tech Capital or Community

French Tech could not be as dynamic in all territories without the commitment of the French Tech network and all the innovation players involved. This network is made up of French Tech Capitals and Communities, private-sector structures accredited by the French government, made up of a wide range of personalities from the local tech ecosystem, accredited every 3 years. They federate local innovation players and mobilize them around joint initiatives to promote start-up development, in line with the French Tech Mission and the local priorities of their ecosystem.

Why become a French Tech Capital or Community?

The French Tech ecosystem is at the heart of our country’s innovation, its economic and technological sovereignty, the development of its territories and its international appeal. The 2023-2025 class of French Tech Capitals and Communities has reinforced the dynamism of this ecosystem, which aims to prepare us for the challenges ahead. The French Tech Mission is particularly counting on this decentralized network to contribute to this dynamic.

The French Tech Mission could not deploy its action without the incredible strength of the French Tech Capitals and Communities, a true network of proximity for entrepreneurs throughout the territory. It’s a real source of pride to see the commitment of the players in the French Tech network to our ecosystem all over France and the world.

Clara Chappaz

French Tech Mission

Why become a French Tech Capital?

The French Tech Capitals are located throughout France in the geographic areas with the highest density of start-ups, whatever their main sector of activity (tech, industry…).

Their role is to support the actions of the French Tech Mission in their local ecosystems, by animating the local entrepreneurial community, locally deploying the territorial programs (French Tech Central, French Tremplin and French Tech Rise), and carrying out structuring actions in line with the priorities of the French Tech Mission (support for start-ups in the French Tech Next40/120 and French Tech 2030 programs, promoting parity and diversity in start-ups, attracting international talent, etc.).

Finally, the French Tech Capitals are fully involved in the French Tech Mission’s strategic reflections on the actions to be implemented, particularly on the objectives:

  • develop an ecosystem that provides technological solutions to the major challenges facing society and sovereignty;

  • to open it up to all talents to encourage the dynamic creation of jobs;

  • have structuring French Tech ecosystems throughout France.

Why become a French Tech Community in France?

French Tech Communities are groupings of mainly volunteer entrepreneurs that function thanks to the collective commitment of their members. French Tech Community members share the vision of the French Tech public action and want to play a leading role in achieving its objectives by joining a dynamic and committed collective.

As full members of the French Tech network, French Tech Communities are the local relays of French Tech in their territory. They ensure that the French Tech Mission’s actions are known by their ecosystems. They take part in some of the flagship actions of their French Tech Capital of reference, and propose their own initiatives based on the challenges facing their territory. They can apply for financial support from the French Tech Mission through the French Tech Community Fund.

Why become an international French Tech Community?

French Tech International Communities are groups of volunteer, locally-based French or Francophile entrepreneurs. As full members of the French Tech network, they act as relays for the French Tech Mission abroad: by communicating on its actions and priorities, they contribute to the promotion of French Tech worldwide.

Their role is also to support the French Tech Mission’s international activities, by taking part in and animating the local entrepreneurial community, supporting the development of French start-ups in their ecosystems, and carrying out structuring actions in line with the French Tech Mission’s priorities. They also have a role to play in supporting international talent and investors planning to invest in France, by promoting existing schemes such as the French Tech Visa and the Welcome to the French Tech Desk.

The French Tech Communities abroad carry out these actions in conjunction with all the players in the French network: diplomatic and consular posts, economic services, Business France, Chambers of Commerce, etc.

Bringing together start-up founders and employees, investors, and more broadly all stakeholders involved in promoting French Tech in their geographical area, the aim of the French Tech International Communities is to foster exchanges and synergies in their local ecosystem. This role should also help build and strengthen bridges between the French and international ecosystems, to facilitate the international development of French start-ups.

Become a French Tech Capital or Community

The latest French Tech network label was announced in February 2023, opening up an exciting new period for entrepreneurs who have become French Tech Capital or Community.

If you’re a group of motivated entrepreneurs, now is the ideal time to start preparing the call for applications for the next label! To do this, it’s time to federate your community and contact the key players in your ecosystem. This proactive approach will enable you to lay the solid foundations needed to apply for the 2026-2029 label, and thus play an essential role in shaping the French entrepreneurial ecosystem.